Vincent Dauce
👋 Hey there, I'm Vincent, but you may know me better as @eXorus. I live in Paris, France.
I'm Quality Director at OpenClassrooms, where I drive the quality engineering team. Previously, I worked as Quality Manager at Veepee and inWebo.
I'm also the creator of MailCare, an open source disposable email address services built with Laravel. And the primary maintainer of the php-mime-mail-parser library with more than 2M downloads.
When I'm not writing code, you'll find me spending time with my wife, my son.
I started coding in secondary school on an Amstrad with a little robot that answered my questions (didn't have to stray from the question I was expecting otherwise it didn't work 🙂 ) and a maze. We are in 1996.
I later learned Pascal with Delphi to create library software for my video games and movies. We are in 2000.
Around high school I discovered the Web and produced my first websites. First to exhibit my mother's works (, then my TPE on digital vs film photography and finally my first personal website ( which fortunately no longer exists. We are in 2001.
Computer enthusiast I therefore joined an engineering school EFREI (School of Information and Management Technologies) following my BAC S. During my free time I developed a website/forum for a WoW RolePlay Community ( which no longer exists either but whose code was taken over for Khazaar. It was during these years that I learned PHP/MySQL, server administration under Debian... We are between 2002 and 2007.
For my 4th year technical internship, I learned how to set up an online store with OSCommerce (now well dethroned by Prestashop), it was which still exists but has since been bought. We are in 2006.
Since leaving engineering school I have moved into the world of Software Quality, which allows me to work in the IT world while taking advantage of my evenings, weekends and vacations to code and manage my server.
I participated in HackHours #2 to develop as a team and in less than 28 hours creation of community images in the form of a patchwork. We came 2nd in the competition against 16 teams. We are in 2014.
Since 2013 I have been building my own temporary email service and I have become the main maintainer of the php-mime-mail-parser lib. As an expert in the tests I used this platform in my different companies for manual and automatic tests. This is why in 2018 I launched my SaaS MailCare offer, of which I am the founder.
I now work as an auto-entrepreneur on several websites (e-commerce, real estate agency, association, bed and breakfast, etc.) but above all for my personal pleasure.